This mod adds pistons. Pistons can be extended and retracted with redstone. Note: the crafting recipe is different than in this video! See below.
More videos at the bottom.
Do not use this mod with any version of Minecraft besides 1.6.6!
After installing the newest version of ModLoader, place the .zip into the mods folder. The mods folder should be in .minecraft (or the equivilent on Mac/Linux), the folder that has the bin folder, resources folder, etc. Alternatively, you can place the files right into minecraft.jar, like the ModLoader files.
If you're having trouble installing, here's a video made by angryant55 that explains the installation of both ModLoader and this mod:
and one by Jyizzle24 for Mac:
To craft:

Pistons will extend when powered by redstone, and retract when unpowered. When placed, the block will face towards you. You can re-orient them by right-clicking. Pistons will push blocks in front of them. They will not push bedrock, obsidian, or other pistons. They will also not push more than 16 blocks.
Pistons will push other pistons if those pistons are not extended. Pistons will also push entities out of their way, so that they can be used to make launchers. If sand or gravel is pushed upward by a piston, it will fly into the air.
Pistons will block the flow of water or lava. They will also push blocks added from other mods.
Sticky pistons can be crafted like this:

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