1) Navigate to C:\Users\(InsertComputerUsername)\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin - (folder)
2) Right click Minecraft.jar and select "Open With", Choose your archive program IE: WinRAR, 7ZIP
3) Once the folder is open Delete your META-INF Folder
4) Move ALL .CLASS FILES and the TNTMOD(Folder) to the minecraft.jar(Folder)
5) Do this same process starting at step 4 to install ModLoader
6) Move mod_TNT.properties to C:\Users\(InsertComputerUsername)\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods
Requires ModLoader to work, install Mod_Loader first then install this mod.
TNT Mod V1.7 - [1.6.6] Compatible: Download from MediaFire
Nuke TNT
Description: Solely for map destruction, does not spawn blocks.

Miner TNT
Description: Has a slightly increased blast radius than the TNT. Drops 100% blocks as oppose to 30%

Fire Bomb
Description: Same explosion as a TNT but sets everything on fire.

Description: Creates a small lava pool. Mass destruction via lava.

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