The initial idea and sources of this mod are originally from UltraMoogleMan.
Original thread
CCTV means "closed-circuit television

- "Advanced OpenGL" option not supported by default (generates flickering).
- Optimine/Optifog will cause the water to disappear unless you switch to "fast" graphics. On the other side, the "Advanced OpenGL" option doesn't generate flickering with it.
Mod options
Some of the parameters of the cameras can be customized in the prop file of the mod.
To change these parameters, open the "mod_CCTV.props" file located in your .minecraft directory (to go there on windows, press windows+R and type in "%appdata%/.minecraft").
Edit the file with a text editor, here are the different parameters:
- low_resolution: if set to 1, will decrease the definition of screens to 64*64 (default is 128*128).
- camera_speed: number of frames skipped between two screen render.
- depth_of_field=: number of blocks that camera view can reach.
- custom_camera_width and height: One of the screens is actually a custom one, these parameters will allow you to change its size(in blocks).
Right click on a screen to change channel
Here are the files (requires ModLoader Beta 1.7.3 ):
Download CCTV 2.2 for Minecraft 1.7.3
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