Monday, May 23, 2011

Village Update

Some strange things have happened since I installed the Millenaire mod and Humans+

Sept-Freres ended up getting a sister village right beside it because I used a village wand on its town hall after burning it down. I thought I had destroyed the village but it was the Baby Animals mod causing the trouble. After I fixed the problem I had two villages.

Since adding Humans+ the villages are under constant attack. Knights ride in and kill the inhabitants. It's all quite bloody and they don't even spare woman and children! The raiders will just enter buildings and slaughter entire families. The village mobs respawn soon enough and it isn't having an effect on the population.

This is an assassin which won't attack evil characters. He didn't attack me.
I suppose since I'm apparently evil the spiders won't attack either.

The town has also acquired a friendly spider. It hisses and climbs but won't attack!?! I'm wondering if somehow I have become evil. Perhaps the villages are evil too,... it just shows how subjective ridiculous alignment systems are.


Friday, May 20, 2011

How To Install Humans+

If you thought the millenaire mod was cool then you'll probably like this one too. It creates a bunch of wandering knights with different alignments and allegiances. They wander the world seeking enemies to kill and how you act will make them decide whether they like you or not.

It also adds horses and mounted knights! Yeah, I had to have it too!

It's a lot like Monty Pythons Holy Grail, in that, it seems completely random and more than a little silly sometimes (like random ninjas in the forest), but honestly: who cares! And with the millenaire mod the world seems a lot more alive.

Here are some screen shots:

Some evil dude in the village

A mounted knight.

Another knight

I found these two fighting in the woods.

This knight likes water
Grumpy knight.

How To Install The Humans+ Mod:

It is compatible with the millenaire mod.

You will need the AudioMod
You will need the ModLoader

I strongly recommend that you make a backup of your entire minecraft folder which you can find in C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft Simply copy and paste it into the Roaming (where .minecraft is) directory and windows will append a -copy to it. Now if something goes wrong you can delete your minecraft folder and remove the "-copy" from your backup and you're back in business.

First you'll need to download it: Humans+ You can find more info here

Open the zip file with 7zip or WinRar (don't extract it)

Now go to  C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar and open minecraft.jar the same way.

In Humans+ open the "Files to add to minecraft.jar" folder and click on the top folder then hold the shift key and click on the last file, so that everything is highlighted. Drag and drop into minecraft.jar.

 Important: While minecraft.jar is still open delete the META-INF folder (if it's there).

Now open C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resources\mod\sound\human

If the folders don't exist then make them. (right click  new>new folder and name it)

In the Humans+ zip you downloaded open the folder "Files to add to Resources" then "mod" then "sound" then "human" then, like above, highlight all the files.

Now drag and drop the files into C:\Users\Buckaroo Popcorn\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resources\mod\sound\human

Now open the "mods" in the Humans+ zip.

Open C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods

Drag and drop the "HumansPlus" folder into the open mods folder

Now close everything, fire up Minecraft and with any luck, it should be running.

Knights won't appear on peaceful.

Please remember that modding anything implies risk and I am not making any promises that you will not encounter a problem. I'm simply explaining what worked for me. If you have difficulty try getting a new minecraft.jar, make sure you followed the instructions exactly, make sure you have the most up to date version of the mod and minecraft and remember that mods often don't work well together - which is why you backed up - right?


How To Install The Risugami AudioMod

How To Install AudioMod:

I'm doing this quick tutorial because this little mod is required by so many other mods. I couldn't find any easy tutorials on the subject so I thought I would write one.

This mod was made by the original designer of the minecraft sound code and it allows custom music and sounds. For example you can put new music in C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\resources\mod\music

I strongly recommend that you make a backup of your entire minecraft folder which you can find in C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft Simply copy and paste it into the Roaming (where .minecraft is) directory and windows will append a -copy to it. Now if something goes wrong you can delete your minecraft folder and remove the "-copy" from your backup and you're back in business.

This kinda explains it all
Download the AudiMod.

Open it with 7zip or WinRar

Go to C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar and open minecraft.jar with 7zip or WinRar.

Now drag and drop the files and folders from Audio Mod into minecraft.jar

Important: While minecraft.jar is still open delete the META-INF folder (if it's there).

There you are - done!

Please remember that modding anything implies risk and I am not making any promises that you will not encounter a problem. I'm simply explaining what worked for me. If you have difficulty try getting a new minecraft.jar, make sure you followed the instructions exactly, make sure you have the most up to date version of the mod and minecraft and remember that mods often don't work well together - which is why you backed up - right? - you did back everything up didn't you?


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Error in UpdateEntity(), check millenaire .log

 Addendum: The babyanimals mod and the millenaire mod aren't compatible which caused the following:

I was messing around with a lot of mods yesterday. I updated my ATI graphics and installed shaders. This was a huge complicated task but well worth it. I installed the baby animals mod, made some more maps, installed a sound mod, tried out invedit, etc...

I did a lot of stuff and somewhere in there I crashed my millenaire mod. I couldn't trade with the villagers anymore.

Then I started getting this error:

And it wouldn't go away.

After a lot of sleuthing (the minecraft forum was down) what I found was that the new millenair isn't compatible with the old villages.

 This is some of what the log said:

0.5.4 19-05-2011 04:04:40 ERROR: townhall_0 at 2057/69/-328/2/1 Sept-Fr�res-le-lac: Exception in TileEntityBuilding.onUpdate():
0.5.4 19-05-2011 04:04:40 Exception, printing stack:
0.5.4 19-05-2011 04:04:40 java.lang.NullPointerException
    at MLTileEntityBuilding.updateTownHall(
    at MLTileEntityBuilding.m_(
    at et.g(SourceFile:1058)
    at net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.j(SourceFile:1334)
    at Source)

I had to go around to the villages and burn down then hack apart the town halls. It was fun - I felt a little like a conquistador beating on the locals. The locked chests take a while to hack apart. They seem to be obsidian or something.

Once I destroyed the town hall the error went away. The villagers built new town halls and relations with the natives resumed as normal.

There is a different solution posted on the Mill�naire - NPC village forum thread (now that it's back up and running) but I think my solution has a certain sadistic charm that is well worth it.

Addendum: Unfortunately the villagers all disappeared on me after I left the game. I had to restore a saved game that didn't have the baby animals mod to get them back.


Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Baby Animals Mod

I found this great and very cute mod that puts little baby animals in your minecraft world. It's super easy to install.

You can visit the original site here: Baby Animals.

Here is my quick install tut:

Make sure you make backups of your files and exit entirely out of Minecraft before installing this mod.

You will need the ModLoader v5 already installed (I explain how to do that in the Mill�naire NPC Village mod tutorial).

You'll also want the Audiomod. It isn't critical but it does add to the mod. The instructions for the audio mod are in the download but they are a little complex. I was careful to only add files and folders not replace them as the instructions stated. It worked. Maybe the way they said would have worked too but I wasn't willing to risk wrecking my other mods.

Download the and wolfpup.class.  Open Baby Animals with 7zip and drag the wolfpup.class into it, then close 7zip. Next drag and drop BabyAnimals_v1_7 into the C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods folder (don't extract). That's it.

Baby cows
A little chick
A baby lamb
A wolf pup

I want to say thanx to the makers of these mods. They really enhance the game.

Important: At this time, this mod doesn't work with the The Mill�naire mod. It will mess it up.


Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Minecraft Saved World Update

I have done a lot to the world since the last save. You can find the download link at the top of the page in Downloads and Archives. It's now 106.5mb.

I have the village mod running so there are now three villages. One is north of Lakewood (Sept-Freres) and the other two are just east of the rail/airship port (off the map).

There is rail running all the way from Apvia to Lakewood and it is all powered! The world map is too large for blogger so you can download it here if you wish: World Map. If you decide to take the rail be prepared to wait a while since the trip takes about 3 minutes :D

I am still building the Lakewood rail/airship port and there will be a surprise there soon (I hope).

You'll notice there are two new airships at Lakewood. The Air Apvia ship is a passenger ship which I designed with the Glimmar's Steampunk texture pack in mind:

doors to cockpit.

flight controls

navigation control

for passengers

don't set it on fire!

Some other screen captures:

automatic doors at the C.B. Crowely building

Sept-Freres village

If you decide to download the saved game just extract the files (7zip is free) into your "saves" folder in your minecraft folder C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\saves

The save will extract to a "world5" folder, so be careful you don't over write your own world 5 (if you have one).

There is a more detailed example here:  Minecraft shared game and fileserve tutorial



Friday, May 6, 2011

How To Install The Mill�naire NPC Village mod

OK, this mod is just fantastic. It really is.

In the distance you can see a road which goes to Lakewood.
It creates villages in your minecraft world that you can discover as you explore. The NPC (Non Player Characters) build buildings, have children live and die. The mod even introduces a currency system so people in the village can buy and sell things.

She's a busy lady! She runs three stores and has three little boys.
If you have an existing world then you will discover villages in areas you haven't explored yet. You can buy a village wand that, when used on a block of obsidian, will create a village anywhere you want it. Be warned though, these guys will sometimes cannibalize your stuff and they aren't very concerned with property rights!

In the main store the village statistics are displayed in real time.
The more you trade with the village the more it will grow and prosper.

Click on items you want to sell and you'll get money for it!

Unfortunately it does seem to be a little heavy on the computer resources. I run minecraft on a dual core AMD with two ATI crossfired 4800 video cards and 8 gigs of ram and it slows my machine performance a little. Sadly that's the pitfalls of making a big game in Java. I wish Notch knew how to program in something else.

I really recommend this mod because it brings a whole new dimension to the minecraft game and adds a lot of excellent and epic content.


You should always back up your files before you install a mod (I really mean it, I'm not just covering my you know what). I recommend making a copy of your entire minecraft folder with saved games and all; just to be safe. This is a big mod and can be unpredictable.


I wrote this guide because I couldn't find any clear instructions and even found a few hijacks! In the file are the best instructions but some people actually said not to follow them!?! But how do you get to the instructions if you can't even find the mod!?!

Yeah, so anyway, after a lot of searching and head scratching, this worked for me:

Installation How To: ModLoader

You'll need to download and install ModLoader Beta 1.7.3  (More info)       

Once you have the file just open it with 7zip (don't extract);

Then open C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\bin\minecraft.jar with 7zip (don't extract);

Drag the contents of ModLoader to minecraft.jar

While minecraft.jar is still open delete the META-INF folder (if it's there).

That's it! ModLoader should be installed!

Installation How To: Mill�naire 1.7.3

Make sure you have ModLoader Beta 1.5 01v3 already installed (see above).

Download:  Mill�naire 1.7.3 (More Info)

Open with 7zip (don't extract).

Navigate to  C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft and open the minecraft folder

Now in 7zip double click on the folder "Put in minecraft folder" then drag and drop the Millenaire  folder into the minecraft folder.


Navigate to C:\Users\[User Name]\AppData\Roaming\.minecraft\mods and open the mods folder

Now in 7zip double click on the folder "Put in mods folder"" then drag and drop the file into the mod folder.

That's it. It should be working!

To test your install start a new game and in the seed option type b. The mod should announce it is running and if you press the v button how far away the village is should be displayed.

In an existing game the mod won't start until you reach unexplored land.

I hope you give this mod a try.

Please remember that modding anything implies risk and I am not making any promises that you will not encounter a problem. I'm simply explaining what worked for me. If you have difficulty try getting a new minecraft.jar, make sure you followed the instructions exactly, make sure you have the most up to date version of the mod and minecraft and remember that mods often don't work well together - which is why you backed up - right? - you did back everything up didn't you?


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Minecraft Lego Farnsworth House

I found a new Lego kit by the renown architect Ludwig Mies van der Rohe of his famous Farnsworth House.

It seemed to me it would be fun to build. My rendition is a little smaller than a 1:1 because the lego bricks would equal 2 minecraft bricks but I didn't want it that big. I think my version turned out pretty well since all I had to go on was this picture:

It's located in Lakewood beside the modern house (previous post):

 I finished the Lakewood station and just need to add a few more details before I post it.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

How To Hack (Mod) A Texture Pack Quickly and Easily

So I was using Ovo's Rustic Pack and ed suggested that I pimp out the minecart. I think he correctly noticed that the cart didn't match the pack. I noticed it too once he pointed it out - thanx for the idea ed!

Now editing texture packs seems like a huge job. I mean you have to open files and draw new ones and look for textures and all that. Well,... forget it,... I'm too lazy for that, I just want to minecraft!

In typical hacker fashion though I've found a short cut.

I looked around for a texture pack that had a pimped minecart that I liked and ran across Glimmars Steampunk and it's just off the hook!

So I downloaded it and placed the file in [user]/AppData/Roaming/.minecraft/texturepacks (this is an HD pack so you might want to check out: How to install an HD (High Definition) texture pack).

I ran the pack and saw that I liked the cart. So I opened up the pack with 7zip and found a a folder called item:

And in there I found cart.png

So I extracted the folder "item" to my desktop. I then opened Ovo's Rustic Pack with 7zip and dragged the "item" folder from my desktop into it. 7zip asked if I wanted to replace the existing item folder, which I did. At this point I could have selected and changed around the contents of the item folder, but I didn't, it's that lazy thing again.

I closed 7zip and fired up minecraft and pow-boom, there it was: Glimmar's cart in Ovo's texturepack.

Now I want to mod the mobs.

And I'm thinking about making a texture pack..... damn.....
