Friday, December 24, 2010

A grand tour, my TriForce temple and all about Nazis

In this video I show the latest builds I have done to the game. I built a TriForce temple where I spawn for example. I dodge a couple of suicide bombers and fight a skeleton.

I also get on a bit of a rant about modern Nazis and who they might be and how we might identify them etc. I don't mean to call anyone or imply anyone is a Nazi (I have to be careful because in Canada we don't have free speech) but I do try and explain why and how I use the term and why my use is not obfuscating, but a real analysis of a current threat. I need to clarify because I use the term a lot on my website

Thursday, December 23, 2010

How to make a treasure map for your Minecraft world.

A little tutorial on making a treasure map for a Minecraft game. You'll need cartograph and Be warned that cartograph can cause Minecraft to stop working. I posted how to fix the problem already should it happen.

Map Updates

I did a little exploring (I got lost) and built a lot between videos. I'll make an update video soon. In the meantime here are a couple of maps:

Crystall Caves

This cave is amazing.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How Not To Play Minecraft (Again)

Seriously... my skills are amazing!

How to recover a saved game from a crash

My daughter was playing minecraft and win7 had a blue screen crash (no matter what you call a turd it's still a turd). When I tried to start the game again her game was gone!

So to recover I turned on hidden files and folders in folder options. Then navigated to:

C:\Users\YOUR USER ACCOUNT NAME HERE\Appdata\Roaming\.minecraft\Saves\

I found her game was still there.

So I recovered her game by starting a new one and then copying the new level.dat, level.dat_old and session.lock files into her lost game directory. I then deleted the new game.

I then started minecraft and her game was there and worked!

How to draw a circle in a square world

Too Drunk To Minecraft

I found a jack-o'-lantern

I almost have may video figured out!

Friday, December 17, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Better Minecraft Videos

I was unhappy as hell with the quality of my last two videos, so spent the last week learning how to master video, and hopefully the results are better. I changed the videos out so now they're larger and easier to see. I'd like to do HD but a 12 minute video takes around 7 hours to rip - too damn long - so forget it! What I don't understand is that I have a really brutally fast machine with two cross fired video cards, 8 gigs of ram and it still takes forever!?! WTF?

What I need is something that will stitch together two or more .avi files without reformatting the damn things. I make really nice videos but then they get butchered in the reformatting. If I could just rebuild the index and leave the video alone I'd have damn near perfect videos. I hear Linux has a good utility for this but I haven't found anything for windows yet. I think handbrake will probably do it but it might take the rest of my life to figure that shit out.

Anyway, I haven't played at all since the last recording.

Thank you Yeneeko for the invite, as soon as I get a chance I'll check out your server.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

My House Is Gone and Map Updates

I went back to continue the game only to find the house I built in the introduction was gone. I'm not sure what happened to it but I had to make another.

Here is an update on the maps:

These worked out a lot better. I can find the new obelisk and the maps seem complete.

Apvia 001

These are top and isometric views of the world. I made these right after I finished the introduction. I don't understand why the maps look like they do. I haven't done any exploring yet they look like I have. I can't locate my tower on the maps either so I'm not sure what is going on.

I've named the world Apvia.

World statistics:

Map surface is: 0 square meters
Block amounts:
Air: 5883100
Stone: 4911335
Grass: 41201
Dirt: 461246
Snow: 0
Snow blocks: 0

Water: 250201
Ice: 0
Lava: 55139

Obisidian: 160

Trunk: 1468
Leaves: 17040
Wood: 0
Cactus: 30
Pumpkin: 1

Sand: 128880
Gravel: 133429
Clay: 35

Gold Ore: 2544
Iron Ore: 22761
Coal Ore: 47441
Diamond Ore: 1038
Redstone: 8166

Cobble: 1548
Glass: 0
Cloth: 0
Gold: 0
Iron: 0
Diamond: 0

Farmland: 0
Crops: 0
Reed: 3
Torch: 0
Jack-O-Lantern: 0
CraftTable: 0
Chest: 18
Furnace: 0
Wooden Doors: 0
Iron Doors: 0
Signs: 0
Ladder: 0
Railtracks: 0
Wooden Stairs: 0
Rock Stairs: 0
Lever: 0

Buttons: 0
Pressure Plates: 0
Redstone Powder: 0
Redstone Torches: 0
Redstone Torches: 0

Bloodstone: 0
Slow Sand: 0
Lightstones: 0

Thursday, December 2, 2010


Ok, so I've decided to start a new Minecraft game and blog about it. I hope to include maps, video, tutorials and all the other stuff.

I'll be mapping the world with Cartograph . I should warn anyone that tries this app that it crashed my game and I couldn't get it started again. Java reported that it couldn't start the virtual engine. I searched everywhere for a solution but couldn't find anything that worked. I tried installing and uninstalling Java and Minecraft to no avail. Eventually I figured out that I needed the Java Tools installed - and presto! It worked! I posted my fix in the Minecraft forum so hopefully that'll save someone some anguish.

I'll also be using texture packs that I'll probably be modifying the hell out of so don't be surprised if it ends up looking pretty unique. I'll post any mods on the download page.

I'll also post the world itself for download as I go along.

Oh yeah, I'm not going to use any map editors.